The MoD Grand Challenge was inspired in part by the DARPA Grand Challenges. Photo from DARPA website
See the official Army video of the MoD Grand Challenge
The following excerpts come from documents posted on the MoD Grand Challenge site at
The Finale
The Scoring
Examples of the four types of threats to be detected, from “Grand_Challenge_Team_How_to_Enter_and_Rules.ppt” and from “Professor_Sir_Roy_Anderson_-_Keynote_Address.ppt” documents on the MoD web site.
The flight plan could be worked out from Google Earth, or any better maps that might be available. Location is 51º 12' 26.43" N and 1º 58' 35.45" W
The operation of UAVs in the UK civil environment, such as during development, is governed by the Air Navigation Order, which is implemented and enforced by the Civil Aviation Authority. The following documents may be of assistance to teams:
In particular, teams might wish to note the definition of a “Small Aircraft” in Article 155 and also note the contents of Article 164 and the referred ANO Articles.
It should be noted that the CAA guidance on model aircraft, CAP 658, does not cover the use of small aircraft for non-recreational use. Teams should also note the requirements of ANO Article 98 (2) (e) and also ANO Article 157 relating to aerial work and seek clarification as to whether permission may be required from the CAA.
UAVs in this competition will be classified as civil aircraft. Their operation within the military controlled environment of the competition site will be subject to regulations that are not significantly different from the civil requirements referenced above.
Teams will be asked to provide sufficient information about their equipment to allow a safety and risk assessment to be performed before they will be allowed to operate within the designated competition airspace.
Teams may wish to specifically note the broad scope of ANO Article 74 with regard to the need for a robust safety and risk assessment.